To promote safe, healthy families, within their traditions, language, family & community.
KTC Vision Statement
Loon Lake - Peerless/Trout Lake - Lubicon

The KTC Child & Family Services Program will provide services to our three member First Nations to enhance the lives of children, youth & families through community based and culturally appropriate programming.
This will be enhanced by our knowledge of our communities & the understanding of our culture, language & traditions.
A holistic approach to services will lead to an empowered community with a focus on community wellness.

Keep up with the latest news for KTC Child & Family Services, press releases and important information

There are always new programs and courses being offered to assist and train staff, foster parents & our communities

Have you considered a career within
Child & Family Services? Check out our current job postings
We are looking for people in the
KeeTasKeeNow area that are
willing to share their homes
and provide foster care to our
children in need
Our Goals
- Children and youth will have a healthy start in life and the supports they need to reach their potential.
- Children in care will be supported and placed in permanent culturally appropriate nurturing relationships.
- To support youth who are under the guardianship of KTC Child & Family Services to successfully transition to independence as young adults.
- Communities will have the capacity for shared planning and delivery of services that promote the well-being of children, youth and families.